I’m Cuddy Cudworth

The UK’s leading mind management coach.

Change your thoughts, Change your life.

What is a Monkey Mind?

It comes from Buddhism and it means to be unsettled or restless in your thoughts, something that conditions such as anxiety and depression definitely cause. 

By working with a Mind Management Coach, you can gain clarity over your thought process and achieve a clearer mindset. In the end, this leads to you regaining control over your life and emotional state. 

Goal Setting

Gain clarity over your thought process and achieve a clearer mindset.

Overcoming Anxiety

Overcome your past and work towards ousting those anxious and negative thoughts.

Stress Management

With a change to your mindset, you can become calm and controlled and take back your life. 

Career Advice

Discover and unlock the things that are stopping you get where you want to be.

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What Is Mind Management?

Mind management is the process of gaining control over your thoughts and emotions.

It involves learning how to manage your mindset and thought process so that you can achieve a clearer state of mind.

This can lead to you regaining control over your life and achieving your goals.

Who Is It For?

Mind management is for individuals who want to gain better control over their thoughts and emotions.

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, or depression, mind management coaching can help you regain clarity and achieve a better state of mind.

With guidance and support, you can learn how to manage your thoughts more effectively and stay on track with your goals.

What is The Process Like?

The process of working with a Mind Management Coach is one that can provide great clarity over your thought process.

We will work together to explore how your actions are caused by your thoughts – thoughts that aren’t real and have no control over who you are.

Together, you will learn how to get rid of your Monkey Mind and prevent it from controlling you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is based on the notion that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and actions are all interconnected. As a result, negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle. 

Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy

REBT is to help you deal with overwhelming emotions and problems in a positive manner by breaking them down into smaller chunks. You are shown how to change these negative thought patterns in order to improve the way you feel. 

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

These limiting beliefs negatively impact our lives and stop us from living the way in which we want to. But it is possible to overcome this and create new habits and outcomes that are positive and can help you to eliminate self-doubt.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The primary goals of NLP are to help those undergoing it to understand that the way you view the world impacts how you function within it. As a result, it is important to change thought and behaviour patterns that have not been beneficial in the past.

Do you want ANTS or PETS?

Anxiety snap bands can help you stay focussed and motivated when you feel anxious. They are a great way to keep yourself on track and can help you to stay calm and in control.

Get ready to squash those ANTS and replace them with PETS!

Available in a varietyof colours while stocks last.

Do you want ANTS or PETS?

Anxiety snap bands can help you stay focussed and motivated when you feel anxious. They are a great way to keep yourself on track and can help you to stay calm and in control.

Get ready to squash those ANTS and replace them with PETS!

Available in a varietyof colours while stocks last.

Coaching Packages

3 Session Package

Perfect if you already know what you want to overcome, and you want a quick push in the right direction to get the results.


5 Session Package

This is the most popular package. Dive deep on mental blocks, uncover the root cause and improve your life forever! 


12 Session Package

An intensive 4-month plan with regular one to one catch ups to help and guide to live the life you’re stopping yourself from living.


About Me

As the UK’s leading Mind Management Coach, I help you take control of your negative and anxious thoughts as well as help you manage depression and anxiety.

I help Successful people Unlock their fears to become more empowered and successful. With a change to your mindset, you can become calm and controlled and take back your life.

With my help, you can stop overthinking and start caring less about what others think of you. 

Mental health is close to my heart, and helping people overcome their struggles has been a central focus of my life and career.

For the last eight years, I have studied numerous areas in limiting beliefs, and negative thinking, as well as meditation and mindfulness. All of this is what helped me to create Monkey Mind Relaxation. 


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!